Hear me Roar

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Alternative uses for technology

If gangs can do...then so can we!
I got this article out of the USA Today 7/6/06 http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2006-07-06-gangs-web_x.htm regarding gangs using the internet to post threats, brag about illegal activity, recruit members, etc. In my mind, I think this in some ways is proof that the digital divide is lessening. I would rather see the internet be used for good, but the fact that gangs are accessing the internet sort of creates the question in my mind just how wide is the digial divide? The typical gang member is more than likely a minority from an impoverished background. Yet, they are accessing the internet to further their own cause.

Winona Shares
Members of the community in Winona started Winona shares over a year ago. It is a way for people to connect with agencies about volunteer opportunities. But even better than that, it is a place for people get rid of stuff they don't want around their house anymore and get it in the hands of people who are in need of it. It is great for people who are looking for household items, people who want to unload things, and for the environment since a lot of this stuff would otherwise end up in the landfill. I haven't heard the stats on how many people have connected, but I have utilized it myself a few times and have had good outcomes.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What a relief!

I am so incredibly happy for our chat on Thursday with April Kirkharts last week. I am the first to admit that I am just a bit of a cynic. I say I am a realist- my husband calls it pessimism. I figure working in social work I can't be to pessimistic or I would be doomed. But to the point...April really opened my eyes for the first time about how technology can really improve people's lives- specifically people living in poverty. I know how technology has improved my life, but that isn't relevant to everyone. Unfortunately, I did not have this perspective up until then. See previous blogs and discussions for evidence of this fact. Chad pointed out that you can find negatives in anything new. I don't usually have to look to hard esp. when it comes to technology. Keep in mind- I graduated from undergrad in 1999 and I was still typing my papers on a fancy type writer because I was too impatient to learn Word. I did use e-mail a little at that point, but not much. I maybe did not learn specific ways to implement technology with my clients, but I did get the message that I need to open my mind and eyes to the power of the internet and all that can be accomplished by people who should have access to it, but don't. I was too caught up in how hard it would be and how many hurdles would need to be jumped. They still exist, but if you can look past those it will be much easier to sell the idea (to foundations and people with money to share) of technology expansion to better people's lives.